This page gives you an overview about the parameters of the global variable $wgIframe which can be set at in the LocalSettings.php file of the wiki:
Parameter | Value(s) | Remark |
delay | 50 | Determines when and how fast iframes are loaded (in ms) |
width | 640 | Determines the default width of an iframe (in pixel) |
height | 400 | Determines the default height of an iframe (in pixel) |
category | Iframe | Determines if and which category page is used by the extension |
server | local: {"scheme":"http","domain":"localhost"} locals: {"scheme":"https","domain":"localhost"} shiny: {"scheme":"http","domain":"localhost:3838"} shinys: {"scheme":"https","domain":"localhost:3838"} rstudio: {"scheme":"http","domain":"shiny.rstudio.com"} shinyapps: {"scheme":"http","domain":"shinyapps.io"} mars: {"scheme":"http","domain":"mars.wiwi.hu-berlin.de"} wiwi: {"scheme":"https","domain":"shinyapps.wiwi.hu-berlin.de"} hubox: {"scheme":"https","domain":"box.hu-berlin.de"} mon: {"scheme":"https","domain":"mon.uvic.cat"} tradiling: {"scheme":"https","domain":"tradiling.net"} ubiqua: {"scheme":"https","domain":"ubiqua.uvic.cat"} canal: {"scheme":"https","domain":"canal.uvic.cat"} youtube: {"scheme":"https","domain":"youtube.com"} |
Determines which servers can be used. A URL is composed by key-scheme://level.key-domain/path |
size | QQVGA: [160,120] HQVGA: [240,160] QVGA: [320,240] WQVGA: [400,240] HVGA: [480,320] nHD: [640,360] WVGA_1: [640,360] WVGA_2: [640,384] SD: [640,480] VGA: [640,480] WVGA_3: [720,480] WGA: [768,480] WVGA: [768,480] WVGA_5: [768,480] WVGA_4: [800,450] WVGA_6: [800,480] SVGA: [800,600] WVGA_7: [848,480] FWVGA: [854,480] DVGA: [960,480] qHD: [960,540] WSVGA_5: [1024,576] WSVGA: [1024,600] WSVGA_6: [1024,600] XGA: [1024,768] WXGA_1: [1152,768] XGA+_1: [1152,832] XGA+: [1152,864] XGA+_2: [1152,864] XGA+_3: [1152,870] XGA+_4: [1152,900] HD: [1280,720] WXGA_2: [1280,720] WXGA_3: [1280,768] WXGA_4: [1280,800] SXGA: [1280,1024] WXGA_5: [1344,768] WXGA_6: [1360,768] WXGA: [1366,768] WXGA_7: [1366,768] SXGA+: [1400,1050] WSXGA: [1440,900] WXGA+: [1440,900] HD+: [1600,900] UXGA: [1600,1200] WSXGA+: [1680,1050] FHD: [1920,1080] WUXGA: [1920,1200] DCI2K: [2048,1080] QWXGA: [2048,1152] QXGA: [2048,1536] FHD+: [2160,1440] 1440p: [2560,1440] WQHD: [2560,1440] WQXGA: [2560,1600] QSXGA: [2560,2048] QHD+: [3200,1800] WQXGA+: [3200,1800] WQSXGA: [3200,2048] QUXGA: [3200,2400] UWQHD: [3440,1440] UW4K: [3840,1600] 4KUHD: [3840,2160] UHDTV-1: [3840,2160] WQUXGA: [3840,2400] HXGA: [4093,3072] Cinema4K: [4096,2160] DCI4K: [4096,2160] UW5K: [5120,2160] 5K: [5120,2880] UHD+: [5120,2880] WHXGA: [5120,3200] HSXGA: [5120,4096] HUXGA: [6400,4800] 8KUHD: [7680,4320] UHDTV-2: [7680,4320] WHUXGA: [7680,4800] 10KUHD: [10240,4320] |
Predefined sizes (in pixel) for iframes Note: Names are case-sensitive! |
allowfullscreen | Allow content to be displayed in fullscreen mode |